We have one of our rare regular meetings next week, Tuesday, June 15, at the good ‘ol Edgewater. Those attending can bring their suntans from this early summer we're having. The speaker will be David Rowbotham, the operator of our Gum Ball program. For years this project has brought us a substantial income, now well up in five figures, for our service work. We will learn about the present state of the program, and the challenges and opportunities that it presents.
The Golf Outing was played on Tuesday in sun, wind, heat and bugs, at Pleasant View Golf Course. Participants included LINDA BERGREN, PHIL STOWITTS (he had to like the makeup of his foursome), JODI BURMESTER, MARILYN STAUTER, PHIL INGWELL, MELISSA ABBOTT, JERRY MILLER, SAL AL-ASHKAR, CHUCK BASFORD, and DICK POMO. No word on the scores, but as GLENN HOLMES used to say, "everybody had fun and nobody got hurt." Dinner followed at Tallards, with some additional Lions added to the group. DON NEVIASER set the event up.
From the BULLetin of June 30, 1978, when your Editor retired the first time:
"As noted previously, ALEX REISDORF is the new BULLetin Editor, after this issue. ALEX has been observed sharpening his pitchfork and trying to fill his spreader, so if you have news, weather, sports or gossip, funnel them to ALEX. Complaints, as always, should be directed to the 4th Vice President.
A real news breakthrough about a big "First" for our club, March 12, 1991:
"WALT PRIDHAM reported that our new mother, Lion ALLISON ROWLAND, enjoyed the roses we sent. Mother and daughter are doing fine. ALLISON expects to be attending meetings again in April."
ALLISON was our first woman Lion, and left us when she and her family moved to the St. Louis area. It is worth noting that WALT PRIDHAM was her sponsor, setting a record that can never be broken.
Some things never change, from the BULLetin of Nov. 10, 1992:
"Lion President RERYJ OIOHDNTTD presided at this week's meeting. OBB TIHSM led the song, amd IJM OERS gave the invocation. If you can't read the preceding names please call TT ERGEOG BLAHIGTR for an interpretation. This are much simpler than the scrambled names we were to unscramble at this week's meeting to avoid paying his weekly tribute. Needless to say, we paid, again." ERGEOG is not much more scrutable now than he was then.
From the BULLetin of November 18, 1992 which was a new member recruiting meeting:
On the list of guests and sponsors: "CRAIG BUTLER with HAL OTTERBACK.
Our Summer Meeting Schedule: June 15, June 29, July 13, July 20, August 3, August 17, August 31. Regular schedule resumes on Sept. 14.
Saturday, June 26, 4 PM. At DON & Leslie NEVIASER's , 3740 Sequoia Trail. First Annual Madison Central Lions Club Summer Picnic Party! 3.8 mi. west on Mineral Pt. Rd from the Beltline, turn left on Timber Lane, Left on Sequoia Trail, & left into first driveway. Bring: dish to pass, spouse/significant other (if applicable), good attitude, big smile, maybe sunscreen. Hosts will furnish: Chicken or Hamburgers, beer, wine & soda, plates, napkins, utensils, outdoor games and atmosphere. Rain date is the next day, Sunday. RSVP to 798-3657 with number attending and choice of chicken/burger. Sounds like the best invitation we've had all year!