Our speaker next week will be Rebecca Kasemeyer, Arts Administrator for Madison CitiArts. Her topic is Madison's public arts program - "If you saw public art, would you know it?" Your Editor's answer, "probably not, unless you mean that metal sculpture guy sitting on the top of the wall of the building next to M&I on Main St." So many of us will probably expand our knowledge of art next week. JIM BRADLEY is the Program Host, and he always brings us good ones, so don't miss it.
President LINDA BERGREN opened the last meeting with some obscure comments about the TailTwister, or lack thereof. DON NEVIASER ended up passing the hat, asking for bigger $, without any reason that your Editor could discern. Not that he, or any other TT, volunteer or otherwise, ever needed one. JIM SCHUTZ led the song (we used the averaging method to determine the pitch) and ALEX WONG gave the invocation, thoughtfully integrating the Disney "It's A Small World After All" with our Lion service. ALEX got a buzz of approval after that one - guess it's now Bishop BOB and Padre ALEX!
We had one guest - DAVID K. KUDJAWU, from the Accra Golden Lions Club in Ghana, was with us again. He's here in Madison on business, and has a great wardrobe of Lion shirts.
We received a "thank you" from UW Hospitals for our gift to the new Pediatric Eye Clinic, to which Lion WALT PRIDHAM was a major contributor.
STEVE BRIGGS made a triumphant announcement: Our Lions Bowling Team won the Civic League Championship!!! After years of effort, paralleling the Boston Red Sox, our team got the trophy! Team members: JERRY HODDINOTT, JOHN JENSON, STEVE BRIGGS, MELISSA ABBOT, SAL AL-ASHKAR, LINDA BERGREN, JODI BURMESTER, JERRY MILLER, DON NEVIASER, and ringer DENNIS URECHE. TOM STEVENS and ART TAGGART were on the bench. Tumultuous cheers!!
One of our newer members, RALPH JOHNSON, received a Key Member Award for bringing in two new members from Sec. JOHN JENSON. The members joined his old club, which is their good fortune, but maybe he can keep up the pace now that he's with us. New members are the lifeblood of Lionism.
ART TAGGART told us that our intended speaker had postponed their appearance, but when she comes we will hear about a new United Way program designed to help older or handicapped people stay in their own homes with assistance from neighbor volunteers. Sounds like a very worthwhile idea.
JODI BURMESTER gave us a preview of the programs coming up. "Things to do around Madison" is the next theme, and we'll hear about the Farmers Market, Concerts on the Square, and visit Olbrich Gardens on May 31. We will be able to tour the gardens, including the tropical dome. On May 24, Jim Holperin, Secretary of the Wis. Dept. Of Tourism, will tell us about a lot of things to see and do in southern Wisconsin. MICHELLE VETTERKIND says April-May Lion Birthdays will be celebrated on May 10.
DAN STOUDT and MELISSA NOVINSKI gave us first reports on our Rose Day sale. Under their quiet but effective leadership, things went pretty well. MELISSA said we had sold, up to that moment, 397 carnation bouquets and 474 roses for a total volume of about $19,000. We had about a dozen carnations and fifty roses left, and many of those were moved out by the Lions present, who were able to think of a few places where they could be sold. Delivery was reported as pretty smooth, thanks in part to the routing committee who laid out the routes on Sat. afternoon: DAN and Bernie STOUDT, CHRIS WILZ, ART TAGGART, DAVE MIES and TERRY SCHAR.
Lions who made the deliveries, an absolutely crucial part of the process, included: DAN STOUDT, ROSS ROYSTER, DON NEVIASER, STEVE BRIGGS, CHUCK BASFORD, SCOTT GROVER, MICHELLE VETTERKIND, JERRY MILLER, JODI BURMESTER, PHIL STOWITTS, TERRY SCHAR, PHIL INGWELL, SAL AL-ASHKAR, ED NEESE, JIM SCHUTZ, TOM STEVENS, JOHN JENSON, JIM BRADLEY, LOUISE FRITZ, JON WINSKI, CHARLIE LIBERTY, DICK & Sharon POMO, LINDA BERGREN & David York, DAWN JOHANKNECHT and Brooklyn, PETE AARSVOLD, THAYER BURNHAM, CRAIG BUTLER, HAL OTTERBACK, DALE ST. JOHN, WARREN RANDY, WALT PRIDHAM and MELISSA NOVINSKI. DAN, MELISSA NOVINSKI and PHIL INGWELL also ran the warehouse distribution. You can see from those numbers what a great job we did. It makes it so much easier to have that many Lions each taking a part of the task.