Next Meeting -Tuesday, December 20 - Take a break from your holiday prep and join your fellow Lions for lunch at the Edgewater. JERRY HODDINOTT has arranged a program by former MCLC member Kevin King, Executive VP of the Realtors Assn. of South Central Wisconsin. JERRY says it will be in the style of Christmas Past, Present and Future, but this time it will be the real estate market that will be presented, not Scrooge and Marley. Kevin will tell us how he thinks things unraveled a couple of years ago, where we are now, and where he thinks we are going. If you own any real estate, you should hear this. MICHELLE VETTERKIND will introduce the speaker.
Our last meeting was for pleasure, not business. We had our Holiday Social in the early evening, and the reports indicate a good time for those present, with a rare opportunity in our fast-paced world to visit with friends and enjoy some good munchies. It was good to see veteran Lion AL GOLDSTEIN there - he usually goes someplace warm for the winter. The piano music was much enjoyed by all.
We hear that there may be a couple of the highly-prized MCLC - Eye Bank Golf Outing T-shirts still available. You can get one from SCOTT GROVER. You could try African Bazaar buying techniques, but we don't think he'll accept Euros, although you could try.
SCOTT also needs volunteers to work the concession stand for UW basketball games at the Kohl Center. He usually puts a link to the web site sign-up, but he'll take a commitment in person or by phone, if you'd rather. This is one way we generate income for our Service Fund, and there are a lot of less-fortunate people in the world that we can help with that money.
PHIL INGWELL and your editor worked a shift on the Salvation Army kettle at West Towne. It is always a good thing to help the SA - unlike many orgs, they go themselves to deliver help, they don't send somebody. And it is fun to interact with people - the ones who smile, the ones who give, even the ones who practically hide their heads with their jacket collars as they slink past - and maybe most of all the ones who stop, dig in their pocket/purse and give money to their children to put in the kettle, starting them off right. We relieved DALE MUELLER and SCOTT GROVER, and were followed by JODI BURMESTER and MICHELLE VETTERKIND, and there must have been at least four other Lions before them. We'll find out who it was and let you know next issue.
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.And in despair I bowed my head
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men."
Let us all hope that the words of the old carol will ring true. As Lions, we will do our part.
On behalf of Madison Central Lions Club, and the Lions Tale, Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday Season and the Best of New Years to all!!