Our next event will be The Holiday Social. Monday, Dec. 15, 6:00 P.M.
AT THE VINTAGE BREWING CO., WHITNEY WAY, across from Westgate and HyVee. Starts at 6:00 - entertainment by the Capitol Chordsmen at 6:30. No signup necessary, the Club is paying for the snacks, and spouses, significant others, prospective members are all welcome! There will be a cash bar, of course.
The menu includes: | Fresh Veggie Tray |
| Cheese/Sausage/Crackers |
| Pulled pork sliders |
| Mini meatballs |
| Beer Cheese Dip and Chips |
Feel free to patronize the cash bar. Party is scheduled 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Come and visit with fellow Lions, spice (that's the plural of spouses) friends and family, and have a good time with all!
This event takes the place of our normal 3rd Tuesday program meeting, and so there will be NO MEETING ON TUESDAY, DEC. 16. If you show up at the Sheraton that day there will be nobody there, except maybe the TailTwister with his Lion. The Tale will do almost anything to increase readership.
At our last meeting, Pres. JACK presided, and Padre ROSS ROYSTER gave the invocation. LINDA BERGREN said that the usual ordering complications resulted in our having excess stock of some of the nuts and chocolate cranberries from our Holiday Treat Sale, so there is some merchandise still to be sold. She's going to bring the stuff to the party, so you can see what's left, and pick up any you can sell, there. Be assured that if it doesn't all go, you will see the remainder again. And hear about it, again.
Pres. JACK had some difficulty with controlling the direction and pace of the discussion, as some Lions were in a roaring mood, but when relative calm was restored the bell-ringers who were present reported that traffic was a bit slow this time, but steady. We raised some $$$ for the Salvation Army.
JOHN JENSON reported that there will be an opportunity to raise funds by volunteering to help out at Farm Technology days, next Aug.25-27. They need help staffing the event and compensation for Club members would go into our service funds. It's a long way off, and more information will be coming as we get closer. About 40 volunteers will be needed, and Clubs in our District have the chance to participate.
Ride For Sight will be held again at various locations. More info coming here, too, but it is the same weekend as our District Convention, in March.
The reminders for our Holiday Social, described above, having been duly delivered, the conversation ran wild again, so Pres. JACK unleashed a bell peal worthy of Big Ben, and declared that the meeting had concluded. So it did.
See you at the party!

A short message from your Treasurer and web guy:
As I sit here, listening to WPR and their current pledge drive, I can't help but think. WPR depends on donors for the majority of their funding. Some donors are sustaining donors, meaning that they give a certain amount every month to keep public radio available. As Lions, we are sustaining members, but our quarterly dues pay for the operating expenses of the club, our district, and Lions International. That wonderful fact allows us to direct all donations, a full 100%, to the causes that we support. But what about member donations? We work hard at various fund raisers every year, and those fund raisers provide the wherewithal to do what Lions do, but do we, as individuals, ever think of donating, on a regular basis, for our causes? Your Treasurer would entertain year-end donation checks, made payable to Madison Central Lions Foundation, and you may select the particular cause you prefer. You will receive a letter, suitable for tax purposes, recognizing your donation. Please consider this.