OUR NEXT EVENT!! ROSE DAY! Monday, April 20. The warehouse will be at the Coliseum Bar, in a “back room” on the first floor. Activities will start about 7 AM, and the sooner deliverers can get there, the better. As always, we need additional delivery help, so even if you only have time to do 5 or 6 or 10, come and pick some up and get them delivered. Hopefully we will have most of them “out for delivery” by noon. Money from sales should go to MELISSA NOVINSKI or SCOTT GROVER.
Our Next Meeting, Tuesday, April 21, also at the Coliseum Bar. Noon, as usual. JOHN JENSON is the Program Host, and he will introduce WLF Director John Dickson, from the Cross Plains Lions Club. He will tell us about the service activities carried out by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, including bringing us up to date on Lions Camp, but also a variety of other ways we are serving our State and communities. You may be doing good even without knowing about it, so come and hear. We Serve in lots of ways, and while a lot of it is in our own front yard, the greater resources available at State and International levels allow us to do some bigger things, and a lot of them are far enough away that we don't hear about them every day. Next Tuesday, we will.
At the last meeting, Pres. JACK rang the bell, and gave the invocation. The Tail Twister was active, placing a marble at each Lion's seat, and muttered something about bringing them to the next meeting. Chinese Checkers, perhaps? Or some other nefarious TT plot.
The TT has a new professional address. His former law firm has joined forces with Stafford-Rosenbaum LLP, and his office location is now 222 West Washington Avenue, Suite 900. Phone number is (608) 256-0226. E-mail: jschneider@staffordlaw.com. Snail mail is PO Box 1784, Madison, WI 53701-1784. Bigger firm, more resources, and probably a beautiful view from the ninth floor!
SCOTT GROVER gave us details on the Highway Cleanup on April 25 and the Golf Outing on May 18 in his recent APB. Try to make your presence felt at these activities. The Cleanup needs a few more hands, and the Golf Outing would like MORE GOLFERS (or those that just play at golf) as well as some Hole Sponsors and prize donations.
There will be a BIG RAFFLE at the Golf Outing, Only 250 tickets printed, $10 each or 3-for-$25, and marvelous prizes - Packers/Seahawks tickets, Badger Homecoming tickets, Brewers tickets (with parking), Mallards tickets (with food). Come for the dinner if you can't play golf, enjoy the fellowship, and maybe win some of the loot. There will be no regular Tuesday meeting that week.
LINDA BERGREN said we had made about $1,400 for our Service Fund on the Holiday Treat sale, and the few items remaining after the last meeting would be donated. She said it was “the last time you will hear my voice.” No worries, mate, she just meant about the remnants from the Sale.
The District (State) Convention will be held May 15 and 16 in Fontana. The “early registration” discount date has passed, but if you missed it, talk to JOHN JENSON. Surely he will find a way for you to attend any of the activities you might want to see/hear.
SCOTT reported that we had the highest number of March Eye Bank tissue missions since 2010, about 47. (We seem to consistantly transport more in September than in March.) This is Lions service at its very best.
The Vision Screening at the Madison Library on March 25 was a success. Lions from several area Clubs participated, about 26 kids and 10 adults were screened, and things went well. We expect we will be able to do this one again. It was sponsored by Madison Public Schools “Early Childhood” program.