Next Meeting - December 6, 2016, Tuesday noon, at the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant, as usual. This will be our only formal meeting in December, and there are some important things to get done, so be sure you get there.
First and most important item of business will be the Holiday Treats. They should be here and ready for delivery next Tuesday, so if you have an order in BE SURE TO COME AND PICK THEM UP ON TUESDAY! After that it gets harder to get them to you, and LINDA would like to get them all delivered. Otherwise she operates a rolling stockroom for a month, and that's not right.
You can also bring non-perishable food items for our January donation to River Food Pantry. Your donation will be delivered to them for the post-holiday drought.
We do have another gathering set for December. Tuesday, December 13, is our annual Christmas Party, which will be from 5:30 to 9:00 at Angelo's, 5801 Monona Drive. Note that it is on the second Tuesday, which is not our usual meeting day. (Scheduling difficulties.)
The usual Program Meeting, normally on the third Tuesday, is cancelled for December. Too much else going on, and we couldn't get Santa as a speaker, because he will be busy tuning up the reindeer (or the Mercedes, if you watch TV) for the big trip a few days later.
At our last meeting, Pres. MIKE opened with the bell, but there were enough Lions present to use two tables, and the bell didn't have much effect on the satellite table. We did have one item of formal business - the motion to nominate Lion JODI BURMESTER for 27D-1 District Governor for the next Lion year was made and passed by acclamation.
The only other item of Lion business was LINDA BERGREN'S announcement that she would have the Holiday Treats ready at the next meeting. If you've read this far you already know that. Even if you haven't read this far, you should know it anyway.
KEVIN OLSEN introduced his Madison Parks colleague, Tracey Hartley, who told us about the “Adopt A Park” program, under which groups adopt a particular park in the system and then participate in its care and maintenance. Our Board has discussed the possibility and probably will do so again. It is an opportunity to be visible in the community, and there's less walking than Highway Cleanup, but our low numbers make it difficult to put boots on the ground, especially when it is almost a three-season activity. We'll probably get to discuss it some more.
Our extended Lion family suffered another loss last weekend. DALE MUELLER's wife Gwen passed away after a lengthy illness. Our sympathy goes out to DALE and their family.

For those so unfortunate as to miss the Christmas Party, a hearty “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year” to all, from the Editor and the Club Officers and Directors!!