Next Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017 - At Festival Foods, on the MEZZ, at 11:30 am. Our last meeting in the calendar year of 2017, and we do have a program. We will hear from the District Governor, our own peripatetic JODY BURMESTER. Whether this is an official or unofficial visit is unclear, but we have seldom had a DG who put as much energy into performing their duties as this one. She has crisscrossed the world in general and Wisconsin in particular with great enthusiasm on Lion business ever since her election, and her theme song should be “I’ve Been Everywhere, Man!” Only way to know where she is at any given moment would be to have a satellite tracking this huge cloud of dust. Editor’s guess is that we will hear what all this has been about, Lionwise.
Our Holiday Party came off on schedule, and a good time apparently was had by all. Lion Birthdays were celebrated and gifts of various types and kinds were exchanged. LINDA BERGEN presided, and somehow solved the problem of having one more gift than there were people present, since one came all the way from Hawai’i, courtesy of Lion PP RICH MATZELLE. Part of the merriment came courtesy of TailTwister ADAM GRASSNICKEL, whose talents for confounding those LIONS present without getting anyone upset place him among the noteworthy at that position. Your Editor, who succeeded a legend who could make the Lions laugh just by getting to his feet, knows how hard that is.
One sad note - we have lost long-time Lion DAN STOUDT, who passed away recently following a fall at his home. His Celebration of Life was jammed with people - DAN did a lot of things for, and meant a lot to, a very large number of people, and many of them came in remembrance. Many MCLC Lions were there, and we all offer our sympathy to Bernie.

The Publisher, Editor, and all Reporters wish you a very Happy Holidays!