Next Regular Meeting - Tuesday, August 7, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. Seems like forever since the last one, which was nearly as early as it could get, while this one is as late as it can be. And the confusion is not helped by the fact that our next get-together is today, Saturday, Aug.. 4. The event is our combined Bags Tournament, which is scheduled to start at 11 AM, and Summer Social, which will start when the Tournament wraps up, which is expected to be about 6 PM.
The Social will have food, a cash bar, a celebration of Lion Birthdays, which is really a celebration of Lion Service, and good congeniality. Apparently the plan is to celebrate all Birthdays for a whole year, so bring a small present for the drawing. This one has a small “d”. The one with the big “D” is the one for Raffle prizes, and that one will take place at the Tournament, after all the tickets are hopefully sold and turned in, at 4:00 in the afternoon.
The regular Club Meeting next Tuesday will be a business meeting, and there will be business. We may get a summary of the weekend's activities, hear how the Scavenger Hunt is coming, be reminded that we aren't Stuffing any Bus this year, find out if any progress has been made on trying to replace a vandalized Little Free Library, which apparently is on City property. That explains why nothing has happened. Might hear something from those who went to the International Convention, if they've recovered. From the heat, of course.
There was one monumental event at the International Convention. Lions International has its first woman President, Gudrun Yngvadotter, from (as you should have guessed) Iceland. JODI has met her, so we may get some firsthand comment. (Somewhere HENRY TURVILLE is spinning. If you don't know the story of the induction of MCLC's first woman member, sponsored by WALT PRIDHAM, you should, as told by our Club President at the time. JABO JABLONIC.) The newly-elected International 3rd VP is Lion BRIAN SHEEHAN from Minnesota.
Our Board has authorized a $500 donation to the Sun Prairie Lions Disaster Fund, to assist the victims of the recent explosion and fire in downtown Sun Prairie.
The District Governor's Welcoming Golf Outing is Aug. 14. Chance to use all those golf balls you found on Highway Cleanup.
Our speaker at the last meeting was the new District Governor, JOHN ELVEKROG, from Stoughton. We usually get them early, apparently on the theory that if they can handle us they can handle anything. He brought the usual greetings from State and International, with the usual remark that the International Convention is amazing, which it is. It is a unique and unmatched experience to be part of something that brings so many people from all corners of the world together to help make it better.
The DG commented that Lions Camp, the jewel in Wisconsin Lionism, costs about $90,000 USD annually. $70,000 of that comes from the Clubs. The balance is raised through Lions Pride and other special sources.
Whole lot of Lionism going on. See you all on Saturday and Tuesday