Next Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 4, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Business Meeting for December, and there seems to be a lot going on, so best you be there to keep informed and participating in plans and decisions.
Our Holiday Party is a week farther on, when the annual frenzy is heating up and you will be needing a break. Dec. 11, at Angelo’s on Monona Drive as in prior years, and starting about 5:30 or so. Again, we can say “Be there, Aloha,” because Past President RICH MATZELLE has reported that the volcano has subsided, and his Hawai’ian flavored contribution to the gift drawing is on its way. If you haven’t RSVP’d, do so now by e-mail to SCOTT GROVER.
Don’t forget our “Drinks With Santa” event, upcoming on Dec.8,@ 3 P.M. at LJ’s, in the same building as Festival Foods.
We will have our usual Business Meeting on the third Tuesday in December, the 18th, and we will have a distinguished Lioness from the area, well known to many of us, bringing the latest information on Lions Camp. We’ve been trying for a while to get our act together and visit the Camp as a group. As far as the Editor is concerned, Lions Camp at Rosholt (the late PP LES HUSEBOE’s voice resonates with that name) is the showcase project for Wisconsin Lionism. For a number of campers with differing challenges, it offers a unique special time when they are NOT “different”, and they can enjoy the camp experience with programs like they’ve always heard about from others who don’t have their program. The Camp has come a very long way from the original primitive facilities, and you owe it to yourself to know what’s going on now.
With all of the Holidays, their special events going on, and the resulting irregularities in our meeting Schedules, you will be getting some irregularly-timed and abbreviated Lions Tale.
BULLetins as well. This is one of them. Our object is to keep reminding our readers of their opportunities for Lion fellowship. Repeatedly.
Enjoy the special music, moments and memories, and try to tune out all the mindless clatter.
Upcoming Events:
• December 4, Business Meeting
• December 8, Drinks with Santa
• December 11, Holiday Party
• December 18, Program Meeting
• December 25, NO Board Meeting

The Publisher, Editor, and all our Reporters wish you a very Happy Holidays!