Next Meeting - TOMORROW, Tuesday, Dec. 18, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Program Meeting for December, but no doubt there will be some business of some sort. A farewell shot from our outgoing TailTwister, who, having held possibly the most difficult officer position for a long time, had had to rearrange his schedule to accommodate the demands of school and work. Since no one has yet perfected the 28 hour day or the 8 day week, he has been rescheduled right out of lunch, and our meeting, which sounds familiar.
Our program speaker will be newly annointed WLF Director Julie Baglama. She should be familiar, she has helped us with a number of vision screenings. You can guess what she'll be talking about.
Our last gathering was the Holiday Party, where a good time was had by all. Seemed like we had about 20 people, a good fit for the party room, and pizza and the trimmings, with desired beverages, were consumed with gusto. Only one Santa hat in the room, sported by our do-it-all Treasurer, SCOTT GROVER, but gifts were duly exchanged and enjoyed. No big surprises there.
Presumably Drinks With Santa occurred on schedule, but we don't have a report on it as yet. That may be a feature of tomorrow's meeting.
Not to belabor the obvious, but there will be NO Board meeting on Christmas, and NO Business Meeting on New Year's Day. No makeups, either. Next Club Program Meeting not until Jan. 15, 2019, by which time everyone should be used to writing 2019. That was one helpful thing about the Editor's former profession. Insurance agents deal with expirations and renewals one to two months in advance, so by the time the calendar page flips you've already been there for a while.
Future Calendar for 2019:
• January 1 - NO Business Meeting
• January 4-6 MD27 State Curling Bonspiel in Medford, WI
• January 26-27 - 27-D1 Bowling - Oregon Bowl
• Feb 23-24 MD27 State Bowling in Grafton, WI
• March - 27-D1 convention in Middleton, WI
• May 17-19 MD27 State Convention in WI Dells, WI
Once again, from the Editor and ace Reporters on the BULLetin staff, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!