Next Meeting- Tuesday, December 15, at Noon. The earliest possible date for a December Program meeting, leaving plenty of time to get that last remaining Christmas present. If ten days is “plenty of time-“ depends on whether you plan to bravely dash in and out of a store or two or three, or whether you have decided to keep Amazon's trucks rolling. The best Christmas present for all of us would be for the docs to tell us “roll up your sleeve.!”
Our meeting will be on Zoom, as the new “usual” practice. Use the same code as before, and if you can't find it, contact Pres. DALE or Man Of Many Hats SCOTT for the necessary secret incantations/inscriptions. BECKY FRAIRE has been able to provide a couple of programs by having some of our Lion members talk a little about themselves. Now that we no longer have the luncheon table to tell stories over, we are experimenting with some of the new technology to share interesting facts and experiences from and about our own members. Harder to get people to talk about themselves on purpose rather than pick this stuff up in casual conversation over lunch.
In addition, you can immerse yourself in Lion talk on the Lions Global Forum on Facebook. If you do, you will hear a lot of different aspects of Lionism, including a popular view of the future of Lions Clubs that has little in common with the past other than the logo. Change is always at work, usually for the better, and if nothing else it helps to know what is coming before it hits you. Part of it is that the commenters are Lions from all over the world, from countries newer and older than ours, and so their experience and current environment can be quite different from what we are used to. The Editor's perception is that society may have changed so much that the reasons many of us joined Lions no longer exist. Over time, we will find out. Maybe.
At our last meeting, one of the most important parts (to some of us, anyway) was the recognition of years of Lion service for some of our members with current anniversaries. The list, and the years of service:
• Linda Bergren - 25
• Steve Briggs - 40
• John Jenson - 40
• Ross Royster - 40
• Jim Schutz - 40
As part of our District's focus & celebration of 100 years of Lions Clubs in Wisconsin, a Centennial magazine will be available at our 2021 MD Convention in Green Bay. Besides featuring the Wisconsin Lion 100 years in Lionistic service we are also featuring the history of the first 9 Lions Clubs chartered in Wisconsin, of which ours is one. The Centennial Survey is gathering history on these Clubs for the magazine. JOHN JENSON is putting together the information from our Club.
• December 15 - Program Meeting
• January 5 - Business/Board Meeting
• January 19 - Program Meeting
Once again, from the Editor and Publisher on the BULLetin staff, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!