OUR NEXT MEETING will be December 28. This will be a relaxed social meeting, although there will be some discussion about future meetings. Lunch at 11:30, meeting at 12:00.
At our last meeting, we finally had a quorum, and many minor items were accomplished. We approved several previous meeting minutes, and heard follow ups regarding multiple threads: Gail Ambrosia is another option for possible fundraising, business cards coming soon, permits to hand out braille bookmarks and cane stickers (originally planned for White Cane Safety Day), Flower Sale with delivery scheduled for April 25th, 2022, Salvation Army bell ringing (individuals should schedule their own), Kendra Scott event, Centennial committee met, notifications to rest of state, discussion about significant donations (to be discussed at their January meeting, Blood Drive at Festival Foods on January 7 from 12-5 (posters are available) - don't forget to volunteer and donate (there is a link on our web site for donating). Another blood drive has already been scheduled for July 27.
Google Workspace for NonProfits! DALE has set up a Workspace for Madison Central Lions (Foundation), and is working on a timeline for migration. Why are we trying something new (again)? There are several advantages: it's “free”, we can use Individual Accounts, video meetings are possible for up to 100 participants (can you imagine that?), includes easy-to-read closed captioning, uses your existing browser, no installation required, available on your smart phone (requires “Google Meet”, available on Android and iPhone), and we'll have 30 GB free online storage.
Venmo! - We are now able to pay dues online - no envelope, no postage, and no fees. We will devote a future meeting to the where's and how's.
Upcoming Events:
• December 28 - Social Meeting
• January 7 - MCLC sponsored blood drives at Festival Foods
• January 11 - Business Meeting
• January 25 - Program Meeting
• January 30 - District Cabinet Meeting2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.
From the Editor and Publisher on the BULLetin staff, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!