OUR NEXT MEETING will be August 9. This will be again a virtual-only meeting, on Google Meet http://bitly.com/MCLC-meeting. As usual, social greetings at 11:30am, and meeting to start at noon. We will focus on the budget for the new fiscal year. Suggestions are welcome.
Our recent blood drive was moderately successful. Five Lions assisted (three doubling as donors), 6 Power Reds were collected, no one was deferred, and we finished with 17 donors. Not as many as we had hoped, but every drop counts. Our next blood drive will be in January.
At our last meeting, our guest Ron Wright, 2nd Vice District Governor, 22 years a Lion, has played many roles as a Lion, including Eye Bank dispatching. This year's District goals include: leadership development, zone chair training, officer training, membership development, service goal, continuing the plastic recycling program, and new District-wide projects (to be determined). The Cabinet meeting was at Ridgeway on Sunday. $7 International will increase dues over the next three years, starting next year. A membership survey is coming in August. Stuff the Bus will happen in August. Each club should think about what should be the service project of the year. The District Convention will be March 10th and 11th.
Upcoming Events:
• August 9 - Business Meeting
• August 13 - Stuff the Bus - Fitchburg HyVee
• August 17 - McFarland Food Cart Frenzy
• August 20 - Stuff the Bus - East HyVee
• August 20 - Stuff the Bus - West HyVee
• August 23 - Program Meeting