Our November "program" meeting fortunately drew five Board members and two regular members, so we were able to actually approve some important business items. BECKY gave us a brief summation on the diabetes testing currently underway at three HyVee stores. This is a joint project with the Madison Central, Madison Monona, Madison West, Fitchburg clubs, and the District. We will hear more about the results after the project is over.
We haven't had a Holiday Party in two years. Most of us believe that it's time to restart that practice. It's good to get together, chat about what's happening in our lives, talk with spouses and partners, and just have a jolly time. Unfortunately, the planning process is rather lengthy and we've postponed dealing with the details. It was the consensus to aim for February or March, preferrably on a Tuesday evening. Our last venue is no longer doing business, so the hunt is on. The goal for the hours is roughly five o'clock to eight o'clock. MISCHELLE volunteered to start the hunt.
Our next topic was regular meetings. We've seen a steady decline in the number of attendees. In the past, most of our members worked downtown, and it was easy to walk to the meeting and enjoy a lunch with friends and find out what our next focus would be. Sadly, that's no longer true. We've been discussing a number of different scenarios. PHIL moved to have a single meeting per month, starting in 2023, on the second Tuesday. That was approved. ROSS moved to discontinue the program meetings (unless a member agreed to share something of interest), and that was also approved. PHIL proposed that we stay with the noon start time, and at Festival for the time being.
OUR NEXT MEETING will be on December 13, and the focus will be on (active) membership retention, and a report on the recent survey . Unfortunately, that meeting will be both virtual only. We should be able to "tune in" at 11:30, and the meeting will start at noon.
When was the last time you donated blood. The need is constant. You can donate at our January 6 blood drive from noon until five, at Festival, and you can register online now.
Upcoming Events:
• December 13 - Business Meeting (virtual only)
• January 6 - Blood Drive![]()